
In a world driven to speed up

We're creating space to
slow down

Find pause

And reclaim what it means to be well.

We envision a future grounded in resilience and presence.

Founded in 2020, we are a wellness company committed to improving people's lives through profound health experiences. We design well-being tools rooted in mindful technology and explore how advanced tools of empathy can help us discover our most vibrant, resilient selves in a modern world of evolving needs.

Company FAQ

We are a highly cross-functional team of designers, engineers, researchers, and visionaries that have come together to create high-impact tools in alignment with our personal values of living well.

Ancient Ritual comes from the duality of old and new, where ancient wisdom meets modern technology in a new kind of ritual for well-being.

We deliberately chose sauna as the bones of our first tool for well-being for its many traditionally lauded health benefits and the architectural potential to be a dedicated well-being space in anyone’s home. Building on sauna culture, Arc centers around ritual and practice—how that perspective of dedication and intimacy brings a rolling sequence of benefits physically, mentally, and emotionally.